Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Judy's Boobs

She had lazy breasts,
the kind that dozed
on rainy days,
and slid uncontrollably sideways
on Sundays.
In the garden
they swung with abandon
while at work they jiggled deliciously
despite pretending to be serious.
But it was at weddings
they were always at their best
primped up plump and cool in lace.
However I loved them most
when peeking from beneath sheets.
Oblivious of their charm
they had a habit of surrounding you
when least expected
and smothering you
with sleepy love and slow maternal warmth.


Monica said...


Saffron said...

Morning Mons. Nobody could say yours were lazy..over-stimulated maybe. *grins

Dan said...

What a lovely poem.

jaye said...

Comparing in the mirror....

Liss said...

wonderful Poem Saffy! I put it up on my blog and people seem to love it!

Soulstar said...

A nice photo and poem, Saffron, thank you.

Saffron said...
