Tuesday 24 January 2012

Idiot of the week!

As an all inclusive Blog there have been numerous complaints that we fail to celebrate the contribution made to our society by idiots, or as our American friends call them retards. Today we hope to put that right with a new weekly series highlighting the contribution of the inept to our daily lives.

Nothing is more infuriating when you are listening to captivating piece of theatre or a moving passage of music and the ambiance is shattered by the dreaded mobile phone retard - people who think their needs are more important than anybody else’s. This is exactly what happened to Slovakian violinist Lukas Kmit as he gave a solo rendition at a Jewish synagogue in his native country.

This is what happened:

Unless you are a guitarist you probably won’t know that the Nokia ringtone is actually Gran Vals, by the Spanish classical guitarist and composer Francisco Tárrega, written in 1902. It always reminds me of Harry Lime.

For those who want to play the jingle here it is:


jaye said...

Taking your word on the ring tone, have a samsung. Social 'tards walk among us everywhere. One of my personal favorites is being out to dinner at a nice restaurant and "the bigshot" has to talk loudly on the phone so we may all revel in his importance. Actually, I think I told one of those that he was a social retard maybe more than one!

jaye said...
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Monica said...

Jaye - I could not agree with you more. But, I suspect, you are the lady to bring discipline to bear in sucdh a situation!

Linda said...

Classic in more ways than one.

Saffron said...

Jaye and discipline? *grins

jaye said...

Saffy behave!

Dan said...

One of my pet hates.