Tuesday 29 November 2011

Rarely seen photos

For Nicky and Saffy.


Nicky said...

The stones !!!!! the stones !!!!!!! I can't believe they are still together after all these years.I love the stones. Fred and Barney.

I heard a report once where two decrepit older men, in Los Angeles, were accosting young women, and the police were about to investigate, only to realize the rolling stones were in town that night to play a gig, and discovered ole Keith and Mick were up to their usual tricks .

Thanks for the rare photos Dan. I of course have a number of stone songs in my I Pod.

Saffron said...

Fantastic stuff Dan, certainly I have never seen these. Have you any more?

Saffron said...

Now, now, Nicky boys will be boys. Just eat your Mars bar and be grateful.

Dan said...

Have some more somewhere.