The perversities and vagaries of life are something one has to live with. As we celebrate yet another milestone today in having reached 90,000 hits we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that while the number of contributors to the Blog has steadily declined, the number of readers remains buoyant. Since our last milestone of 80,000 hits we have averaged 263 hits a day which equates to1,800 a week. This includes a steadily increasing readership from Russia, Germany and France although the mainstay of our readers remain from the USA followed by the UK.
In reflecting on our fortunes and balancing the vicissitudes of readership vs contributors, while we would welcome greater participation one is forced to accept that the ultimate arbiter of any Blog or Broadsheet is the readership.

Meanwhile, while earlier trying to shed the mantle of the editorship of the Coffee Shop it once more unerringly seems to have found me. The pressures on my time continue to increase although as we have got this far it would undoubtedly be nice to be here to watch our little venture steer her way to 100,000 hits.
As always many thanks to our little group of contributors and of course our stalwart readers for continuing to make our humble Blog the success that it is.
Hearty congrats to you Saffron for keeping the blog going with the character and wide ranging material it offers.
Thank you xxxxxx
Yes well done Saffy may you always be our captain.
I couldn't agree more. Well done Saffy.x
A salutary reminder that I must contribute more. Well done everyone.
Thank you folks I think sometimes it’s only Yorkshire perversity and stubbornness that keeps me going, but clearly it gives people pleasure and that in the end makes it worth it. Thank you for all your support.
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