Monday, 14 November 2011

Donna's Infidelity

Donna’s career was going from strength to strength. Her employer at the gallery was Ms Katerina Denton-Smale. Her real name was Kate Smale and there was absolutely no reason for the Denton- bit other than an attempt to suggest class. She did actually have class but it was entirely learned and none the worse for that. At about fifty years old, tall and willowy with great bone structure and a wonderful head of jet black hair she was decidedly good to look at. She also rated Donna which meant I rated Ms Smale. I went one evening to meet Donna from work. I didn’t do this often because her hours were somewhat erratic but I’d been near the gallery anyway and, well, I just wanted to see her. It wasn’t entirely impromptu as was evidenced by my choice of her favourite blue dress and, less obviously, stockings. She never even noticed. She was standing, her back to the door, gazing at a picture with Ms Smale standing beside her, a hand resting on Donna’s shoulder. Jealousy is not an emotion to which I am susceptible but I freely admit the scene did make me stop in my tracks as the gallery door’s bell chimed. They remained still for what seemed an age, probably a second, before Katerina turned and said, ‘Oh, hi. Nice to see you.’ Her hand remained stubbornly in place on my lover’s shoulder. Donna turned and smiled.

‘Impeccable timing as always, College. I’m having my first tutorial.’ Katerina said that she was impressed with Donna’s progress and that she’d suggested Donna start to do a little fine art study, perhaps with a view to moving on to serious qualifications. Donna almost blushed but not quite.

‘If I’m interrupting I can always go and get a coffee and wait for you?’ Katerina wouldn’t hear of it, and told me to sit and have some wine from the ‘fridge while they finished up. Her hand had never left Donna’s shoulder and Donna didn’t seem to mind. I admit I was getting a bit brassed off but hid it well. I did take a glass of wine and thought, to my discredit,’ and fuck you, Miss Smale.’ The wine was too sweet for my taste but I didn’t care. I sat and read a magazine, trying not to listen to their conversation. That means, of course, that I heard every word and didn’t read a single bit of the magazine. At one point, not that I was watching them, Katerina actually stood behind her with a hand on each shoulder and rested her chin on one hand, her mouth close to Donna’s ear and for a few seconds I couldn’t hear what she was saying.

Donna’s hand touched hers! Donna said, ‘Oh, God, yes, I can see that now.’

Then, Katerina patted her bum and said, ‘Right, lesson over. See you in the morning.’ Donna took a while to gather up her things and Katerina turned her full attention to me. ‘She’s really got it I think. With a lot of work she’ll do really well.’ They kissed goodnight and I picked up my bag and walked out of the door with the friendliest farewell I could muster. I deliberately made sure both hands were full so that Donna couldn’t hold my hand. I didn’t say much, answering anything she said in monosyllables.

We got to the old Jill and Whistle and without asking I turned into it and approached Nellie at the bar. There were only a few customers and they were sitting some way from the bar.

‘No Donna tonight?,’ asked Nellie. Surprised, I turned to realise that Donna had not followed me into the pub. I considered going out to find her but decided against it, said Donna couldn’t make it but might be along later and ordered a glass of decent wine. Nellie was full of news of her rugby player and this seemed to make her chest swell ever more. It was like talking to a pair of Zepellins. In any event my heart wasn’t in hearing about wild sex with her chum so I finished the wine and made to leave. ‘Shall I tell Donna you’ve gone home if she turns up?’ I nodded assent and she followed with, ‘We all have rows, College, don’t let it get you down.’ Perceptive cow. I almost ran out of the pub.

She was sitting watching the tv news when I got home. She had a glass of wine by her side and her feet on the coffee table. Without turning her head she said, ‘I assumed you wanted to be alone so I came home. Everything alright?’ I told her it was just fine and went to the bathroom to set the bath running, then into the bedroom where I stripped off and threw my decent underwear into the laundry basket, stockings and all, and went back to drown in the bath. The door opened a little a short while later and a wine glass, held in a lovely slender hand entered, followed by the owner of the hand. ‘Bad day?’

She must have been able to see the tears on my face but she seemed to ignore them. She sat on the closed toilet, holding her own wine and placing mine on the edge of the bath near my hand.

She was almost whispering. ‘I would remind you, College, that your period is due to start in three days time. Were it not, I’d be inclined to give you a bollocking and tell you what a silly cow you’re being. As it is I shall merely say that I am severely disappointed you elected to dispose of the stockings, they’d look great in the bath.’ She had bloody noticed! ‘I am also disinclined to reveal that Ms Katerina Farquhar Ponsonby Denton-Smale is as straight as a roman road and does the tactile bit to everyone. When she whispered to me it was not to share some sexual intimacy but to encourage me to “look inside” myself. However in view of your oestrogen levels I make this clear lest you say something we shall both regret.’

‘Why didn’t you come into the pub?’

‘I thought there was an outside chance we might have a ruck and to be frank didn’t fancy it in case Nellie’s tits got involved.’

‘How did you know?’

‘Which particular bit? She reached to stroke my hair. ‘You’re easier to read than a book, College. And I know when your curse is due because you change colour. Want me to wash your puss?’ She undressed slowly down to some silk knickers I had bought for her a few days before. She clambered into the bath behind me, took my head on her shoulder and kissed my ear. ‘Soppy cow.’

I was ever so clean by the time we got bed.


jaye said...

I'm glad that they made up! I couldn't take a bad ending to their night. Onward Monica!

Saffron said...

Awwwwwwww! Wonderful ending. Donna just gets better and better. It’s all so real that it’s impossible not to get caught up in the plot. Half way through I was struggling with my wounded pride!

caprice said...

and i was wondering, which of the two i was at the moment..