Monday 12 September 2011

T's - Part the Fifth

Dear Readers - please forgive the delay in posting this fifth episode. For those of you who have not read the previous episodes you might like to scroll down and read the earlier parts. You'll have to scroll a fair way - our subscribers have been prolific while I have been away and for all their contributions, many thanks! Any way - here is the next instalment:

Curzon Street is delightful and our offices looked down on it, overlooking a nice little pub and fine restaurant. My own office was large and airy, T’s larger still and with dual aspect windows. There was a phone system, computers and a smaller office for a secretary. We started preparing our plans. We decided the premises were our first priority so we began calling agents. By noon we’d arranged a series of appointments, going individually for the first look and planning to visit together for the second. I found a highly fashionable designer, Sara Capulet, and arranged to meet her with T for drinks at 6 that evening so she could come with us if we felt we needed her advice. She turned out to be a delightfully amusing straight woman who perfectly understood the plan which we outlined omitting the more potentially controversial details. Later, we met the police contact for dinner. She was warm and helpful. She checked out the designer the following day and gave her the all clear.

We then began the rather tedious process of viewing premises. It took longer than we had anticipated but eventually we found a place we both agreed on. Grace’s approval sealed the deal and the papers were signed and on one glorious day in September we moved operations into the office suite at our new premises near to St James’s. We drank champagne with Grace and Sara and our deliciously androgynous new secretary, Lesley. She had, it seems, passed Grace’s somewhat irregular induction training with flying colours and the noble Lady’s hand seldom left her arse during our celebrations. At one point they went off to the lady’s together and both came back looking very happy.

While they were gone, T said to Sara, ‘Her discretion is obviously out of respect for you. She’d normally have jumped her right here on the floor!’

The next few months were hectic. I barely saw T some days and grew to respect her industry. Lesley was incredibly efficient and a joy to work with. Grace exploited all her contacts to help me find suitable ‘servants’ and Lesley and I interviewed dozens before coming up with a final list. Grace did not have time to ‘interview’ them all. There were setbacks of course, mostly to do with builders, but gradually T’s became a reality.

The ground floor boasted an impressive entrance hall with marble flooring and reception desk. There was also a cloakroom, a concierge desk and the main office suite. There was a fine members’ bar off the main lobby. The first floor was for dining with a well organised kitchen and, thanks to Sara’s design flair, a dining room that changed character from a welcoming lunch room to a cosy evening venue. The kitchen was ruled over by a formidable chef whom T had found, called Gloria. She was about six feet tall and rather heavily built. She reigned supreme in the kitchen and worked ceaselessly during the pre-opening weeks to get everything prepared.

The bedrooms for guests were on the fourth floor over the ballroom and function room on the third. The gym and health centre was in the basement of the building with a discrete lift for residents from the fourth floor.

I selected the final staff and arranged uniforms for the various different functions. I chose smart business suits for reception, and a variety of skirts, blouses and aprons, dresses and so on for waiting and other staff. It seemed like a small army of personnel, far more than originally imagined, but with carefully chosen section heads it all looked like it would work. The test came on the first day of July when we had our grand pre-opening night. This was intended to show potential members what their deposit had secured. It was a lavish occasion. A dinner for some one hundred guests all in evening dress with our staff dressed appropriately. T and I felt huge pride in our achievements and were rewarded with generous praise from our guests. Although we were not ready to open until that September we had, by the end of the evening, signed up enough members to ensure the club’s viability.

T and I slept together that night. We fell exhausted into bed and the idea of sex did not occur to either of us. Well, not until the morning when we had a celebratory bonk in the main guest suite which was the only room furnished at that point. It was a wonderful, happy fuck. We giggled and laughed and moaned our way through until the ‘phone rang and Grace demanded our presence in the office. She sounded stern.

‘Get your disgusting arses down to the office immediately. If you’re naked remain so!’

We dressed despite her instructions and hastened to the office to be met with more champagne, hugs and praise. T’s was launched.


Jenny said...

Sounds like a wonderful success Monica. Congrats! *k*

Nicky said...

Well written as always Monica. Great story.

jaye said...

Loving it Monica, next chapter please.