Monday 5 September 2011

T's - Episode 4

I told you it would get raunchy. Please avert your eyes if that's not your thing.

As soon as the door was closed she threw off her coat and grabbed me.

‘Best we get the fuck out of the way quickly, darling,’ she said as she unbuttoned my blouse. ‘I can’t think straight when I’m horny.’ God was she horny? Within moments I was naked but for my stockings and she was kissing me while her hands explored me. Despite her attitude I found myself responding. She pushed my head down to her breast which she had liberated from her dress and held me to it. I didn’t mind, it had a gorgeous, hard little nipple which looked upwards and I remember thinking it wasn’t bad for 55 years old. She didn’t completely undress but lifted her skirt and pushed me down to my knees so I could get at her pussy which was, I discovered, already naked.

‘They’re only going to come off so why put them on, darling,’ she muttered as I set to work. She lifted one foot onto the coffee table to, as she put it, let the dog see the rabbit. She was deliciously abandoned. I licked and kissed and used my hands, stroking up her expensive stockings.

‘Don’t forget the dark star, darling!’ I didn’t forget it. She came suddenly, roaring words of encouragement and flooding slightly so that my face glistened. She pulled me to my feet and kissed me, licking her moisture from my face.

‘Excellent, well done. Your turn later, darling. Now get dressed and order some tea and we’ll get to work.’ She tucked her tit back in her dress, shook her hair and sat at the large table while I dressed (don’t bother with the panties, darling!) and called room service. I sat beside her and she smiled.

‘I like to get that first fuck out of the way, Emma. If you’d demurred we could have just called it all off and let it go at that. You were very good, thank you.’

‘My pleasure, Grace.’

‘Mine too,’ she smiled. ‘Definitely mine too.’

Over tea we discussed a generous salary which I could barely believe but struggled to remain calm. She explained she’d taken an office for T and me to work in until we had the premises sorted out. She had arranged for the formation of a company and deposited working capital in its bank account over which she and T had control. I explained I had to give notice to the agency but she laughed and said she’d sort that out. Then we discussed members and she handed me a list of people who had expressed interest. It read like a Who’s Who of English nobility, the legal profession and Parliamentarians. I was astonished.

‘You can tell there will be no shortage of money, darling. But discretion is going to be very important. I’ve got a friend in the police who is going to advise on security and will see to vetting the staff. She’s a very, very close friend and will have free membership. There will be one or two other gratis members, it’s going to be important. My friend has already looked over your background (more astonishment on my part) so we need not delay.’

This time she took me to bed and proved to be a very generous lover. She took her time undressing me again and lavished attention on my breasts as well as kissing me passionately on my mouth. She obviously liked my arse and spent a great deal of time exploring it with her tongue and fingers before bringing me off with her tongue on my clitoris, a finger deep in my pussy, curling up to work my spot. She remained dressed throughout.

I left feeling a bit dazed at around nine that evening. When I got home T called and asked me if I’d had a good time.

‘God, T, she’s awesome!’

‘Hm, I thought you’d get on. Did you get the first fuck treatment? They all do, it’s her way. So, you ok for the morning?’


Saffron said...

‘Best we get the fuck out of the way quickly, darling,’ Gosh Mons what kind of circles do you move in? I’m still reeling from the relentless assault on poor Emma’s person. A fifty-five years old boob? Wouldn’t there be a problem with dust and stuff? *grins. A wonderful series with pace and style as always. One which always has you wondering what will happening next without ever straying too far from reality.

Linda said...

Another classic Monica - looking forward to the next episode.

jaye said...

Oh Monica, this is just too good!