Tuesday 27 September 2011

Ramblings of an ex-Editor.

Well as you can see I’ve finally managed to outwit Greek air traffic controllers and get myself home. I’ve attacked the mountains of washing, apologized to the dogs and begun the long process of writing reports.

It’s good to see the Blog in such good health, thanks to regular contributions from Allison, Jenny, Monica and Nicky etc., ably supported by Jaye, Mary and Linda. I had thought we had found a new editor for the Blog but clearly that wasn’t to be. Instead out of necessity we have perhaps developed something far superior, a kind of girl’s kibbutz, where we all muck in. My position hasn’t changed; pressure of work means that my contributions will be limited, but I will continue to throw my shoulder to the wheel when I can. Nonetheless, I can now rest knowing the Blog is in good hands, as I feel the founding principles remain as valid as ever.

If I have any reservations it is regarding our silent readership, which while it fluctuates is still not insignificant. Finding ways to allow them to participate is fraught with difficulty and perhaps over optimistically I still remain wedded to the principle of inclusion as opposed to exclusion.

I have two proposals that I would like our kibbutz to consider:

First opening ourselves to free comment again, although as always it will require monitoring given all the inadequates, trolls and flamers that blight the web.

Secondly offering a post bag, perhaps by having a blog e-mail address where readers can write in and say what they like or dislike and perhaps we could extend it to an ‘agony aunt’ service rather like we used to have with the Auntie Quinnie column. I do know that we have a lot of readers who are often looking for advice relating to the world of chat and clearly we have between us some considerable experience of the problems and pitfalls of cyberspace.

Perhaps you could let me know either here or by e-mail if you think I’m barking up the wrong tree.

I’m away again soon but meanwhile it’s good to be back.


Monica said...

I'm dubious about opening up to comment mainly because it has caused some members such angst in the past and also that it will make managing the blog much more demanding. On the other hand I'm a democrat am happy for the decision to e made on a majority vote.

I like the post-bag idea a lot.

m xx

Linda said...

I think the e-mail post bag might kill two birds with one stone. It keeps out the trolls, allows participation and people to indicate if they wish to join.

I think the agony aunt idea is a super one