Thursday 1 September 2011


Iraqi Orphan Leaves Judges In Tears - Watch more Funny Videos


Saffron said...

Ohhhhhhhh What an incredible story. Talk about triumph over adversity and such a wonderfully happy disposition to match. When you look around at the all the drama mongers in life who make mountains out of mole-hills this young man is an object lesson for all of us. Another heartfelt contribution to the Blog thank you Allison.

Monica said...

I could not agree more, Allison. Triumph of spirit over adversity is a thing we admire because most of us cant actually achieve it. It's easier to wallow than struggle. Inspirational - thank you xx

Dan said...

A truly inspirational story and good way to start the weekend.

kimmie coco puff said...

I just simply can't believe it. I was so moved by this...

Suddenly i have a lot to be thankful for. What am i even complaining about from day to day. His spirit refuses to be anchored, and it's awesome:)