Sunday 4 September 2011


Apologies to readers for getting Camille’s birthday wrong! I must return to my crash course in Americanisms. Just as the world uses the logical degrees Celsius and America uses the illogical degrees Fahrenheit, so in Europe we write dates in a logical ascending order namely: day/month/year as opposed to month/day/year! Hence 04/09 to a poor soul like me means the fourth of September. Well that’s an hour of my life I won’t get back after trying to design a nice birthday card. Mea culpa! Mea maxima culpa.


Nicky and Allison said...

lol, how'd you get a picture of me from kindergarten, Saffy? I spent many hours on the naughty log in the corner, LOL

Jenny said... defined in the News of the World? And what the fuck is a stone? Buy a scale! *grins and runs*

Monica said...

Well, at least you tried! We all, it seems, make mistakes :-)

Linda said...

I agree Monica, sometimes you just can't win.