Tuesday 30 August 2011

What is it about a photo?

I often look at other people's photos for inspiration, although why I like them is often difficult to define. One thing they nearly all have is something I can relate to. Here are some photos I was looking at yesterday.

What's not to like?

This photo makes me giggle as it reminds me of my student days.

This is so easy to relate to. I enjoy my own company and I love my 'girls.'

I simply adore smart men who can make a statement.

Now this for me represents a touch of real class. Would I prefer this hanging around my neck or a cute brunet? Just don't ask me to make that call.

I'm untidy, messy to distraction and like to think I'm artistic so this I really can empathise with.

I've never been into shoes per se and heels give me atacks of vertigo but I do enjoy colour and comfort.

This one is easy. I've always had a thing for cocking a snook at convention, speed, freedom and the wind in my hair so this photo presses all the buttons.


Soulstar said...

An awesome post, Saffron! I never thought about letting my camera bag double as a cooler. The black & white of the girls cycling is great. I love #3 too, and the Leica is a beaut. But that last photo is absolutely priceless! Thank you; much enjoyed all of these! :)

Monica said...

wonderful - as always!

jaye said...

Yep that reminds me of you. Ok maybe not the last picture.

Dan said...

Great selection.