Friday, 10 June 2011

Thought for the day

People don’t know how to love. They bite rather than kiss. They slap rather than stroke. Maybe it’s because they recognize how easy it is for love to go bad, to become suddenly impossible… unworkable, an exercise of futility. So they avoid it and seek solace in angst, and fear, and aggression, which are always there and readily available. Or maybe sometimes… they just don’t have all the facts.

Lavender “Popeye” Wolfmeyer, in “The Upside of Anger”


Soulstar said...

For some reason this thought for the day brings to mind that song: "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name..."

Thank you, Saffron. Enjoyed this one, as well as yesterday's selection. :)

Anonymous said...

interesting philosophy...I had never considered "love" like that...I know this isn't necessarily the right place to send this to you, but I thought you might enjoy the talent and mutual admiration....


Saffron said...

I loved it many thanks P&H