Tuesday, 10 May 2011

A very big welcome to Witt

A very big welcome to Witt. We hope you enjoy your time with us on the Blog and we all look forward to you joining in. .. and remember the fact that you know Jenny isn't going to be held against you.

The fact that Witt is from Canada may confuse some of our USA readers. No Canada is not where Bin Laden has been hiding, Canada is that place north of the USA where all those nice people live.. you know that place where the people are so dreadfully sophisticated. I know this can be confusing so I've appended a few things about Canada to get you all up to speed....

Canada of course is a place of breath-taking beauty....

...and don't forget Canada has lots of hot beavers....

..oh and before I forget don't forget to post lots of sexy Mountie pics please Witt...


Soulstar said...

Welcome again, Witt. Lovely post, Saffron! :)

jaye said...

I think we all enjoyed that welcome lol.

Jenny said...

Thanks Saffy. Much better welcome than my few words. *k*

Monica said...

i could not agree more

Saffron said...

See I knew if I mentioned the word 'beaver'......