Funny kind of week. One that must have been quite exciting as well as rewarding for conspiracy theorists. Well, at least JFK, Elvis and Princess Diana will have some competition now. Give it a week and it won't be long before Bin Laden is spotted in Dallas or Vladivostok perhaps with Elvis?
An even odder week for me, in that I never quite expected to find myself a ‘legend’, compounded by the fact that people still retain the capacity to surprise me. What am I talking about? Well perhaps nudged by nostalgia after writing Memoirs of a Lit Girl, some unexpected impulse overtook me and I slipped into Lit. I’m still not clear why. It must be over ten months since I was there and over a year since I was there on a regular basis.
I must confess to being nervous. Not sure why. I entered via the Lobby and was delighted by my reception from a handful of people that remembered me. From there to the Girls Room. At first not a familiar face, then one by one people came in, a mixture of old friends and acquaintances. I wasn’t sure what reception to expect, or whether people would even remember me, but what happened truly astounded me. Messages and PMs began to flood in and I ended up I must confess feeling profoundly moved. Particularly by some of the very kind things that were said and how people missed me. Perhaps even more amazing were the people who I’d never clapped eyes on, who had heard so much about me to the point they had wondered if I was a myth. I can only hope I didn’t disappoint.
I was so inundated with messages that I feel that I didn’t express my thanks adequately, so do so here for those who are readers. Thank you all.
The one question I was unable to answer was: does this herald my return? Normally I never say ‘never’ but I suspect the answer is probably not.
The room held far too many ghosts for me. There were moments when I half expected Jess to come bouncing back in, be hugglefucked by Amaia, alternatively find myself pounced on, or barracked by Nicky’s ever dry wit while simultaneously being smothered in hugs. They say you should never go back and I must confess that despite the surprising welcome things weren’t the same.
It’s easy to look at the past through rose-tinted spectacles and so easy to forget the sometimes sordid nature of Chat. While I was there some ‘domme’ who professed to being exceedingly ‘nasty’ was publicly humiliating two of her ‘subsluts’ in the room while advertising her private room where she promised more ‘no limits’ nastiness.
There was also the odd flash of humour when somebody who appeared to have a moderately erudite nickname routinely punctuated the room proceedings to advise how sick she was of men and how many unwanted and disgusting PMs she was receiving per millisecond. Some things it seems never change.
Nonetheless my enduring memory remains the profoundly moving kindness with which I was received. Once more, thank you very much and should it be another year before we meet again please accept my very best wishes.
On the wider front we have had some really interesting and colourful posts this week. Some really great poetry and of course the moving history of the North American Indian and the truly delightful if not arousing Cordless Diaries.
Finally last but not least, a very big welcome to Nicky who has repaired her portal into cyberspace.
PS The 'cookie' earrings are vailable at the Blog Shop.

Totally awesome to see you again Saffy-Daffy. I hope you will come back. To paraphrase Kitchener, Lit needs you.
Hi Saffy. Sorry I've not been around much. Too much work LOL.
I must try Lit chat sometime. Hope everyone is keeping well. x
I only missed you by minutes, we would love to see you back.
Now you've gone and done it, Saffron. All the food play fetishers have formed a long line out to the street...lotsa earlobe munching & crunching with those cookie earrings about! LOL
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