Friday, 1 April 2011


As usual your editor has been rather remiss in her editorial duties. I have only just discovered that there is a wealth of information available about our favourite blog……

For example where have or readers come from so far this week?. Well it comes as no surprise as to which countries provide the greatest number of perves, but did you know that we have readers in France, Germany, Spain, Malaysia and Singapore? A very big welcome who ever you are.

Monthly figures show we have readers in Iran, United Arab Emirates, Russia and South Africa too!

What browsers and operating systems are they using?

The most popular documentary in the last few months was: My little part of the world part IV, here you can see the disparity between views and comments. The most popular picture post was provided by Jenny.

To encourage more of our readers to participate we will be piloting an open comment opportunity for everyone over the next 24 hours. Please use this responsibly.

Currently when creating posts there seems to be a problem forcing line-breaks. At the moment if you wish to do this you will have to force them by using appropriate code, entering it when in the EDIT HTML window.

Go HERE to find how to do it!


Anya said...


Saffron said...

Privyet Anya and welcome to the Blog.