Wednesday, 30 March 2011

WE WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok Cricket world cup is on and we just had the match of the millennium ! India beats Pakistan's sorry a**e !!!!!!!!! I have my final exam tomorrow and I have sent the whole day watching the match :p with tri-colour on both sides of my face , howling , shouting , cussing and the rejoicing in the fact that we have WON !!!!!!!!

I have been a cricket player as well, playing National League. Though I no more fell very strongly about the sport , yet India vs. Pakistan gets to me !

Even though I do not have any hard feeling against Pakistan , the matches are so charged up that i cannot be left alone. Its like a race between Seabiscuit and War Admiral ! and we WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn i haven't been preparing for the next exam and i have only 9 hours left ! Oh and last day of University tomorrow then I go to GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!


kimmie coco puff said...

Well Neha, Happy for you:) yeah yeah, you did Charley Sheen! Me love you long time....hahahahahahah!

kimmie coco puff said...

Well Neha, Happy for you:) yeah yeah, you did Charley Sheen! Me love you long time....hahahahahahah!

Sammie said...

Neha: Congratulations on the win!!. Recently, while walking through Central Park, I happened to pass two teams from Jamaica playing Cricket. Although the fans were basically family and friends, the players were decked all in white and the enthusiasm was infectious. I had absolutely no idea what they were doing or what they were shouting, so you will need to send to me basic rules. Thanks....

Nicky said...

Congrats on the win, Neha. I know how charged up matches like that can be. Good luck on your exams, as well.

Nashs said...

mistake , it should be feel not fell

@ Kimmie , Goa was mad the night we won the finals !!! damn i swear you would have loved to be there !

@ Sammie : oh its a fun game , i will soon unveil why 22 men run behind a ball ;)

@ Nicky thanks a lot , my exams were good !