Wednesday 2 March 2011

Money ~ An Introduction

Although March is Women’s Heritage Month, I wanted to also share something aside from notable women. Something men and women both are all too familiar with, and yet, how much does the average person really know about money? Rich or poor, we know what it can buy for either good or evil and we know we need it in order to survive in this world, but how much attention to we pay to what we use most everyday to pay for things? I hope you will enjoy my upcoming series containing old currency beginning from the year 1800 forward. The engraver’s art and history behind each of these notes are absolutely fascinating.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying: “He/she/it is queer as a three dollar bill,” but have you ever actually seen a three dollar bill or knew they really existed?

*I hope this intro has whet your appetite or curiosity to see more! :)
(If you want to view the above bills enlarged, just click on the photo)


Mary said...

Camille, look forward to your posts on money;however, would look forward with more enthusiasm if money was flowing towards me :-)

kimmie coco puff said...

Awww, Camille....I do love the art work. Like I said before, "truly awesome chica".
and Mary, Other things may flow your way. Stay positive:)

Saffron said...

Are these what are known as money shots?

Love the bills btw

Saffron said...

* tucks a $5 bill in the back of Mary's jeans.

Dan said...

How old are the notes Camille?

Soulstar said...

Thank you, Mary. :)

*worries for the cowgirl spotted sporting an oversized hoodie near secluded ATM machine... ;)

Thank you, Kimmie. :)

Thank you, Saffron. *coughs.

The top one is dated 1800, middle one 1833, and bottom one 1820, Dan. :)

Nicky said...

Very cool, Camille. Might these be what were collectively known as " Educational dollars " because of the intricate artwork on them ?

I have seen similar older bills like this. Great post, Camille.

Soulstar said...

Thank you, Nicky. It's my understanding true Educational notes were silver certificate one dollar bills used to teach children the Presidents and have "History Instructing Youth" on the front. I do have one of those to share in an upcoming part of the's entire outer edge is a row of the names and pictures of each U.S. President. :)