Wednesday 2 March 2011

Happy Birthday, and congratulations to the blog members

Congratulations all around to another milestone for the blog. 50,000 hits !!!! There have been many people, who's articles have helped to keep things going. I think this would be a great time to acknowledge those, who have taken time out of their busy lives, to make things work here.

There were many momentous occasions here in the blog,over the past year, with regards to articles.There were also many instances of inspired thought, and creative writing, talent, and ability of the blog members.

There was the Great Liss project, by Liss of course,and the Bath chronicles, by Monica, both of which were given, the coffee shops award.( did anyone forget the acceptance speech by Liss) ? Priceless, lol. There have been other projects done, or contemplated , using the Liss model. I guess Imitation is the best form of flattery.

There also was the more serious Black History month set, spearheaded by Camille and Kimmie, of which Saffy, Participated as well. These really were well written pieces, and show what the members here can do. Camille, Kimmie, jenny, Lauren, Saffy ,Dan and others have also put up countless videos, of new musical artists, or some lost deep in the music archives.

Lauren,and Jenny contributed a lot in the way of pictures and music video performances.I found myself looking for them, for a good laugh.

Twister and just me-jas, in various thought provoking, or poetic pieces, designed to inspire discussion.

Dan, Freya, and Sammie, and Nash with the various articles all of you have contributed, that keep things going, and inspire us to think. Dan ,especially for keeping things moving in the right direction, when asked.

Mary has added much in the way of pictures from her trip, with commentary, or added much needed comments. Mary Just did the Well received rodeo post,as has Camille, complete with pictures. I know how we all like pictures. That leaves others like Linda, and Jaye, and many others who have commented on various articles and posts, and keep things going.

That leaves our editor, Saffy who has given up much time, and worked tirelessly to make this a place where people can share ideas, support each other, and along the way, have a few laughs.I know for Saffy, this really is a project and labor of love, and takes up far more time than she will admit to. In writing this, I am reminded of many things,including Jess. Jess and I talked about a lot of things.. It was jess's Idea, in conjunction with Saffron, Nikkie, and Rachel to put this all together. I hope Jess is proud of the work done here. Jess was truly one of a kind.

That leaves other readers like Web Cowboy, or Ann,and Di, and many other un-named / unknown people who read the pages here. May we never let you down.

All of you, especially the blog members and contributing writers should take a bow. Without your continued inspirations, and writing, there would be no blog. So...... here's to all of you.


Saffron said...

Thank you for those kind words Gorgeous. Don't forget to include youself in the praise too, you kept me and the Blog going on more than one occasion. *hugssssssssssss

Liss said...

Thank you Nicky... As usual you avoid praise yourself. You have been a constant here, and not only would this place not be the same with out you, I dare say it may not even exist. Saffy and I have talked many times about the true virtue of a place such as this, and one consistent reason for keeping the blog going was it's ability to help (if only a little) the friends who visit it.
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind to me during my intermittent times here. I tend to sweep in and out of my online life based on events in my RL, and yet I'm always met with such warmth and love here, that I feel its a true blessing in my life to have you all in it.
I echo all that was said, and my personal thanks to Saffy, Alison, Camille and everyone who makes this such a special place. Keep it up everyone, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a beautiful place.

Soulstar said...

Thank you Nicky for this wonderful post and your own unique contributions which I greatly enjoy you sharing with us and look very forward to seeing much more of! :)

QUINNIE said...

I'd also like to thank myself for my own efforts --- well done Bloggers :)

Nicky and Allison said...

I've always said that it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Nicky, you (in the blog...not in yahoo) are one of the quiet ones. You have been very instrumental in not only the making of the blog, but with the up-keep of the blog whether or not you realize it. You have been there for Saffy and myself more than you realize. So, I'd like to take a moment to thank you for all that you've done for the blog :-)

as Yoda would say, "important to the blog, you are"

Nicky said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. I truly believe with the many additions of new members, the writing and ideas presented here have never been better.I am aware of new projects coming in the next couple months, that I think will raise the bar even further.

Thanks for the comments Liss, but, in reality it's the talents of the blog members, yourself included,that make the blog what it is. I feel lucky to be included among the members here.

Thanks again Lauren, Liss, Camille, and saffy for all you do here.