Reporter : Why are you in India ?
Sarah : I heard they were filming a sequel of " Slumdog Millionaire " which
I thought was a biopic of my life, and wanted a piece of the
Reporter : How do you feel about the leadership in India.
Sarah : I have great admiration for their legendary leaders like Sitting Bull
and Geronimo
Reporter : Do you have any other thoughts on India :
Sarah : I am so Happy the Indians have their rights now, on the reservation,
Reporter : Have you ever tried marijuana ?
Sarah : Yes I have, but didn't like it. It distorted my perceptions,
and, impaired my thinking and judgement. I'm hoping
that the effects will eventually wear off
Reporter : What are your thoughts on Kashmir ?
Sarah : I like the song, but feel Led Zeppelin have made better music.
Reporter : When your daughter Bristol became pregnant, did you offer her any
advice ?
Sarah : Well, Like many parents in this situation, I was stunned. Then I gave it
some thought and told Bristol to look on the bright side, perhaps the
baby wasn't hers

Reporter : While on tour, will you visit China ?
Sarah : I have been there before, but for whatever reason, they don't speak
Reporter : What did you like best about Hong Kong ?
Sarah : When he climbs the Empire State building, holding the girl.
Reporter : Are you going back to the U.S ?
Sarah : Well, I would, but I was told the U.S is locked, and they
can't find the key
Reporter : Have you seen the Bengals here ?
Sarah : I didn't know the American Football team was here
Reporter : If you were President of the U.S, what would your policy In India be ?
Sarah : I would promise more American jobs in India, and less in China.
Reporter : Have you made any deals while here ?
Sarah : I just made a trade deal,and introduced moose meat and curry moose
Reporter : How do you feel about the U.S Space program ? .
Sarah : Well, I have seen every episode of Star wars, and Star Trek. I think
I therefore know the universe.That pointy eared guy Spock, and the little
green guy Yoda came from somewhere, right ? There has to be Intelligent
life somewhere
Reporter : You were seen out on the balcony of your hotel last night. Were you
Relaxing ?
Sarah : No, I was curious if I could see Alaska or Russia from here.
Reporter : You seem to be very popular with the businessmen from India ?
Sarah : Well, I guess they like to see a train wreck in progress.

Sarah Palin reminds one of a kindergarten student who arrives to school in September. She is pretty, neat and well dressed. She is also bubbly and excited about being in a new environment. At first, you think that she will be a joy (and she is) but later you find that there is something a little bit odd about her. First, her sense of self-importance doesn’t quite fit to her abilities. In the class, she demands attention – constant attention.
You notice, quickly, that she cannot take instruction. Her naivety, as an attraction wears off, and soon becomes annoying. You will also notice that her friendships are surface and become indifferent. She becomes greedy and intolerant. Her sense of control, among the boys, at least, comes from ‘playing doctor’ with them behind the gym. When it comes to accepting responsibility – she is impossible. She will either blame others or declare herself the victim. By June of the following year, you are tired of her
* disclaimer * The comments here are a reproduction of some i have viewed,at various points,in addition to some of my own . The article is meant as political satire, and not meant to offend anyone's political sensibilities.I apologize If I offended anyone.
The Washington Post reported this week that Sarah Palin billed taxpayers in Alaska for travel expenses for 312 nights she spent in her own home. You know, maverick style.
while she's gone, Bullwinkle can at least come out for a breather....
LMAO. Awesome. Good satire is almost indistinguishable from the truth. This is hilarious. You didn't mention whether Sarah went to see the USA's allies in North Korea. Great post Nicky.
Don't know who the first three stooges are but do know there are many within the beltway (the US capital for those across the pond)no matter of your political persuasion.
Good satire Nicky but do hope that the blog does not become a place for political flaming as there enough trouble here in the US and the world to try to focus on the good and improvements.
Smiles and gives Nicky a hug love ya!
making a post about Sarah Palin must be the "mavericky" thing to do ;-)
too funny, babe...love you!
The great thing about political humbug is that is deserves to be laughed at. I really don’t know why more people aren’t laughing. Hilarious post Gorgeous and welcome back I hope you had a great time *hugss.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I am glad some could see the humor in this, and have a good laugh. Glad you liked it Dan, lol.
Mary makes a good point, as political viewpoints can be a keg of dynamite. Sarah on the other hand, opened her life to public scrutiny when she ran for office.
Dan makes a great point as well, as Sarah referred to north Korea as a key U.S ally, and this woman was running for office ? Sarah makes so many mistakes, and has so many misconception, it's unreal.
One can either laugh at her, which she deserves, or take her seriously. It's up to the reader to make that choice. I choose to laugh.
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