Tuesday, 15 March 2011

For all our friends who have been in hospital lately....

... we hope you are feeling better and get well soon.


Soulstar said...

My prayers and well wishes to our friends in the hospital too. Not a fun way to hang out perhaps, but a very helpful place. :)

Dan said...

Get well soon.

Liss said...

I heard from Pippa and she said that Lyusia is back in, but well enough to ask her to reach out to her friends and let them know not to worry.... Warm thoughts to everyone who isn't well.

Lisa said...

Was pleased to hear from Mary today too. Toy sweetheart. Hope you are on your feet soon.

Love Always

Nicky said...

Thanks for the update on Pippa and Mary. very best wishes to them, and all who are in the hospital, or recovering.