Thursday 10 February 2011

Yoda top ten list

I was sitting here, flipping through channels, discovering the Star Wars saga / series. It is hard to believe, that these movies, with central characters resembling rejects from the Muppet show, play a central role, and have grossed as much money as they have. The only thing even resembling sexy was princess Leah in a metal bikini.I also noticed the only character in all 6, yes, I said 6 movies, is our all knowing,little green friend, Yoda. Yoda is definitely not sexy.I wondered if Yoda was that popular, or just worked very cheap

I have no idea if the star wars movie was as successful across the pond, From America, but cartoon animations have played a role in politics, as that Iraqi dictator, not familiar with American Television broadcast to American troops in the field, that they wives and girlfriends were all at home having sex with Bart Simpson. Strange but true

I was thinking about all this, when the David Letterman show, came on. Both David and Yoda have a lot in common, as both are geeky, and not sexy at all.David Letterman did his usual top ten list, and i started to give thought to the top ten things Yoda might say, while having sex. It happens, lol

1. ahhhh, Yoda's little friend you seek

2 Foreplay,Cuddling. A Jedi craves not these things

3. Down here I am, A ladder I must find.

4. Do me, or do me not, there is no try.

5. Early must i rise, leave now you must.

6. Happens to every Jedi, sometimes it does.

7. When 900 years old you are, Viagra will you need too.

8. Ahhhh, who is your Jedi master now ? Who is your Jedi master now ?

9. Is not my light saber bigger than all the other Yoda's you have seen

10. No stop!!!!!! My ears they are, not handles !!!!!


Soulstar said...

This is very cute Nicky, much enjoyed, thank you! :)

Saffron said...

Hilarious. The Series was I believe very popular here and does have avid followers, although I have to confess it’s a show I have seen on TV but never watched……too much study perhaps…either way a deprived childhood it seems.

Nicky and Allison said...

hilarious, Nicky

you guys are getting a small dose of what I deal with every day :-) I wouldn't change a moment, either!

Dan said...

Thanks for the laugh Nicky a well constructed post.