Thursday 10 February 2011

Valentine's Day

Well as you will all know Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. It is of course traditionally a day on which lovers (or would-be lovers) express their love for each other by giving flowers, confectionery, and sending cards (known as ‘valentines‘). The day has been associated with romantic love since the times of Chaucer.

In the UK it is often an occasion when you can express your affection for someone you have hitherto admired from afar and it is common to send anonymous Valentine’s cards and the recipient is then left with the tantalising conundrum of trying to guess who sent them.

If you would like to participate in this anonymous part of the tradition you may do so by sending your Valentines to me, saying who they are for and I will post them on your behalf preserving your anonymity. You will of course have to rely on my discretion.

Signed Valentines can of course be posted in the normal way.

I’m happy to help anyone with artwork but do give me 24 hours notice please.


Jenny said...

Searches and searches, finally finds our editor's email address scratched into the wall of the second-stall (you know the one wink/wink) of the ladies room.

And oh my, I can't possibly do what is written on the facing wall...nope, impossible. Not without a spotter and a large container... oh never mind. Its just not possible.

Dan said...

In the gents room someone has written that our editor bangs like a rattlesnake...not entirely sure what that implies.LOL

Saffron said...

*coughs. You're skating on thin ice Dan!