Wednesday 9 February 2011

Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I feel good!!!!!


Jenny said...

I can hear him now...

I want to customize my van
And I don't even own one!
I'm a metalhead...a metalhead!!

kimmie coco puff said...

I think this baby has presidential future. not only does he have the "I smell a fart look" he has that awesome "yeah you see me" fist action. Really, there are no words to describe this post. Perhaps this child heard foghorns or even gangsta rap, metal, errrrr country. No one knows!!!!! The Post to me says, " Fuck yo' momma....I kill people".

Saffron said...

Thanks for another great first thing in the morning laugh Allison - says she wiping the cornflakes off her monitor.

Dan said...

LMAO that gave me a huge laugh.