Monday 31 January 2011

True Confessions

We’ve done thematic collections such as ‘The Liss Initiative’ as a means of broadening reader participation. What I would now like to propose in the best Celtic sense is a confessional initiative. Yes Liss a confession. ie for us to confess to at least one youthful monster crush. I was thirteen when I had my first big crush. My mother being Irish I’ d been coached from an early age in Irish dancing - ‘to rise upon sugar and sit on straw‘, added to which I’ve always had this romantic fairytale thing for legs, freckles and red hair so when Riverdance hit the streets this lady really had my heart pounding…her name is Jean Butler


Soulstar said...

sorta gives the saying "the butler did it" a whole new meaning... ;)

Dan said...

Now you're talking Saff. That was a great night for Dublin and the bars.