Thursday, 27 January 2011

Travel safely Mons.......

Keep you hand on your ha’penny, don’t drink the water, change your shreddies every day and do not take any truck from the natives. I always find that if one experiences difficulties in foreign climes a smart crack around the head with a rolled up newspaper, or alternatively a reminder that General Gordon will come and sort them out always works wonders. Thank you for the wonderful series HR and I look forward to tales of ‘ Right up the Lim-Po-Po’ when you return. The Gin is already on backorder.


Soulstar said...

Enjoy your trip Monica! :)

Monica said...

Thank you - a tap on the nose with one's walking cane usually sorts your native out :-)

kimmie coco puff said...

Have a fun trip:)

Nashs said...

Bon Voyage !