Saturday 15 January 2011

A Reminder

When on your break, all wait staff should be mindful to completely close the stall door.


Nicky said...

Just laughs. This is way funny, jenny.

Saffron said...

Me too Jen. I was looking over the top. I just love that reverse double throw on your wrist action.

Jenny said...

May as well just install mirrors on the ceiling with you around.

Soulstar said...

my eye, my eye! no mirrors, Jenny, it might reflect too much! ;)

I guess I could switch over to a penlight instead of flashlight while on patrol.

*peers under stall. Oh myyy, what a sexy pair of...pumps! :)

Nicky said...

Mirror, Mirror, on the stall wall, who's the bestest, of em' all ?

Soulstar said...

lol, good one, Nicky! I can see it movie for the summer of 2011: "If These Coffeeshop Mirrors Could Talk" ;)