Sunday 16 January 2011

Laid Back Sunday

I know. The weekend is almost over.And now, your eyes have that weak pink tinge,mirrored only by that of Pepto-Bizmol, taken only an hour or so, before.The dawn arrives,morning breaks,and the rising sun revels in the ashes, that was your weekend. Blame it on the haze of smoke,from inside the pub, and late nights,and a weekend of friends. Today is a day for slowing down, and relaxing, and maybe just taking time out for yourself, and maybe some good friends. Perhaps these pictures might help, and give you some ideas.

Perhaps watching a favorite program.

Waterfalls always make me feel better, how about you ?

Perhaps something as simple as a quiet moment in a warm stream ?

Maybe like me, you find the warm sounds of a piano relaxing

Would you like a fresh cup of hot Tea, as you sit quietly, and contemplate the day ?

Maybe the soft caresses, of sun kissed warm trade winds, gently blowing through your hair, will fill you with a sense of renewal

Maybe if someone drew a nice warm bath for you to soak in .

Maybe time spent with a special friend.

Have a great day


Saffron said...

Beautiful photos from a beautiful person. Thank you Nicky. As for the dawn rising, well it’s not quite made it here yet but I’m up and what do I find? A lounge full of snoring men and pizza boxes. My brother strikes again!

Soulstar said...

The sun kissed trade winds and both warm baths are my favorites, Nicky, but I like the delicate feel each and every one evokes. Thank you! :)

Jenny said...

Always nice to wake up to something nice. Thanks Nicky. =)

Mary said...

Oh to be free under the chilling gushing waterfall only to be warmed by a bath.

Thanks Nicky loved them all but those two struck my fancy.

Nicky said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone. I appreciate it. It was fun, looking through the softer pictures, that evoke images from our past. These are the type of pictures that need little, in the way of words, and tell a story of their own.

I am glad some of you were perceptive enough to " get that " and enjoy them, especially Camille.Thanks Saffy,Jenny,mary and camille, for the input and comments.

Saffron said...

The hot water is on Mary!

Dan said...

Lovely photos Nicky.