Saturday 15 January 2011

Butch vs Femme Test.

Like to see what you are? Try the test Here

Extreme Femme
Lipstick Femme
Classic Femme
Practical Femme
Strong Femme
Soft Androgyne
Hard Androgyne
Gentle Butch
Feminist Butch
Classic Butch
Boot Butch
Extreme Butch


Saffron said...

Apparently I'm an Androgyne
How middle of the road is that - help I'm going to get runover!

Soulstar said...

LOL, my score was Hard Androgyne; I'll save you, Sunshine! :)

Jenny said...

100 questions? Can't someone take it for me and just tell me?

Soulstar said...

*cough. I think you just revealed it, Jenny! ;)

Nicky and Allison said...


Your score placed you in the category of Hard Androgyne. This is the "tom boy" type of ranking. You may also wish to review Androgyne and Gentle Butch, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 53 and 60 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group encompasses folks of all types, genders, and orientations; it includes a large number of males and averages around 41 years of age.

Most of the time you really don't think of yourself as butch or femme, but if pressured, you tend to react aggressively - either to solve a problem or to defend yourself. You aren't extremely masculine, yet are more drawn to your masculine side than your feminine side.

Security is paramount to you, and the locks on your house and tendency to monogamy reflect that. You like money in the savings and a retirement plan in place. You are nervous and insecure without that. You are a good provider, often appearing in upper management positions, and are an excellent supervisor.

Logic and mathematics fascinate you, and you have a very good memory. You are best remembering what you have seen in a video sense - sound and picture. About half of what you read sticks with you and what you hear goes in one ear and out the other. Pictures you remember very well.

You like action adventure movies and books, though you don't read a lot. You are heavily into technology, computers, and fun lil gadgets to play with.

As a parent you are strict but not overbearing, and tend to be a bit over protective. You are a staunch defender of your legal rights.

For partners you prefer a softer femme, along the lines of the Classic or Lipstick Femme. For friends you encompass everyone, though you find Extreme Butches a bit plastic and pure Androgynes indecisive.

--kind of creepy, but, after reading all this, it's kinda true, LOL...never, in a million years, would I have thought that some internet test would be close to accurate! lol

-Twister- said...

Sooooooooooooo my results :: STRONG FEMME
and overall is on point except for the dating part.

"You are independent and proudly female, and don't really mind living alone, though you'd prefer not to. You sleep with a small light on, and usually in the nude. You insist on good communication in your relationships."


Soulstar said...

strong femmes are just so... *mopping brow*

rude interruption by Gretchen:

"good in the saddle"

-Twister- said...

damn good.

Soulstar said...

Her new gf Gigi just corrected her too, and called her a silly she's gone off to pout in the barn. ;)

Lisa said...

I'm with you Saffron. Together we can keep them all away! Actually, I really thought the test was going to be harsh to me. I think it was very kind. I know I am not Androgyne, I am stronger butch. The desc though wasnt too bad. Although I like silence, it's golden. Except with talking rott online, I tend to be quiet in life. Here you get my thoughts, poor ppl. I am not intimidated. Yet I fall in their astrologically group. LMAO, there is no way I would get away with not wearing a bra, even at home. (ok, I dont have one on now, as I just got up)
I certainly am not with some things. Do I express my opinion - yeah, mostly. Heck, maybe I am Androgyne. Now I want to review the others. Thanks Saff, now you know I will process this and research. Grrrr

I might have to do it again later then I am really awake. 100 questions though, I think it wants a commitment.

Nicky said...

I need to take this test, to see where things are, although I think I already know. 100 questions is too much of a commitment, right now. I don't want to marry it.

I will look it over when I am more myself.

Saffron said...

It's OK Lisa I won't spill the beans. *grins

Saffron said...

Well Nicky you have your own category, plain gorgeous, don't bother with 100 questions!

Lisa said...

No Saffron, please, go ahead and spill the beans. This could be interesting....

*leans back in my seat. Waiting...grinning

Lisa said...


I am re-thinking that. Withdrawn.

Nicky said...

awwwwwwwww, thanks Saffy. Hugs.It would be nice to see where i fit in thre grand scheme of things though, lol

Mary said...

coughs, stutters, stammers then zips the lips closed

Lisa said...

Mary, you would never sell me out. Although were you surprised?

Dan said...

OMG I'm a Lipstick Femme. Only joking.LOL

Nicky said...

LOL Dan.