Thursday, 25 August 2011

A friend to the very end

*get the tissues ready*

The most loyal friend a person can have


Soulstar said...

Indeed, Allison. I have attended such funerals and none are easy to swallow. I'm glad you were the one to post this; I had thought to, considering it was my career field of two decades but just couldn't bring myself to do so. All canines are a friend to the very end, whether military or civilian, however, having handled both exclusively, there is a seemingly greater bond with one who is your partner in extremely dangerous missions and I have lost several along the way. Thank you for posting this in honor of Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, his dog Hawkeye, and the friends and family members sadly left to mourn the loss. *grabs more tissues.

Saffron said...

Sadly such stories are the price of freedom. What we must do is remember.