Friday, 19 August 2011

For Our Book Club

A friend of mine recently relayed I think too much, and you know, she’s probably right. I do tend to over think many things. On the other hand, there are those who perhaps do not contemplate some matters enough. Either way, the topic of thinking brought to mind a colleague I admire, Dr. Robert Anthony. He authored the following tiny little books which can literally fit in your shirt, pant, or coat pockets. I recommend any and all of them to be read and passed on because they are so inspirational.

He has also penned other books and developed a program called The Secret of Deliberate Creation, which offers important life-changing information. Here are a few excerpts:

The Truth about Manifesting Your Desires...

Most of what is being taught about “Manifestation” and the “Law of Attraction” borders on metaphysical malpractice. After listening to manifestation experts you may have been led to believe that all you have to do to "manifest your dreams" is to set your intention, send out positive thoughts, and believe the Universe will magically provide it for you. You are then told to keep repeating this process until the manifestation has happened. I'm
here to tell you that if you do this, you will be very disappointed. This is where books and programs like the “Secret” are insufficient. While it is important to set your intention, think positively and have a strong belief, it only represents a fraction of what you must do to deliberately create the things you desire. Manifestation is About Alignment...

Alignment occurs on two levels:

1. Alignment with the Laws of Quantum Physics – In short, in the world of Quantum Physics - like thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibration match. Whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the Universe in motion to bring that into your life.

2. Conscious and Subconscious Alignment – Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intention must be in alignment. If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious Mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you want. It’s that simple.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation focuses on helping you get what you want by using multiple strategies that automatically bring you into alignment with your goal, thereby attracting the results you desire.

Some Tough Questions...

What stands between you and having what you want? A lack of education? A toxic marriage? A bad divorce? You have no relationship and can’t find anyone? A problem employer? You are stuck in a job you hate? A medical condition? A weight problem? A lack of money? Be rigorously honest here.

I’m proposing that the real reason that you don’t have what you want is because you are creating your life unconsciously by Default instead of consciously by Design. Most of the time you are blocking the deliberate creation process because your conscious messages and your unconscious messages are in conflict. Am I saying that you are deliberately or consciously sabotaging yourself? Absolutely not; but I am saying that through limited, mostly unconscious beliefs, and negative, unexamined habitual patterns, you are creating your life by default.

You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you. Its focus is on collapsing limiting beliefs and unconscious habitual patterns that stand between you and what you want. Once you become “conscious” about what is truly happening in your life and why you don’t have what you want, you are destined to live a life free of fear, doubt and worry. One in which you feel happy and rejoice soundly in the knowledge that you are meant to thrive; not struggle. A life Consciously Chosen and Deliberately Created puts you into a “state” of unlimited possibility instead of a state of limitation and unfulfilled desires.

Taking Control of Your Life...

What we are talking about here is taking control of your life. Let’s use a car analogy. Cars have driver’s seats and passenger seats. Passengers have no power or control over what happens in the car. Drivers have all the power and control. When you are an Unconscious Creator, you are in the passenger seat. But when you become a Conscious Deliberate Creator, you have the opportunity to jump into the driver’s seat and take control of your life. When you do that, you will be guided to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that are in alignment with what you truly desire. Once you collapse the limited beliefs and habitual patterns that have you locked into limitation, you will know at a very deep inner level that you will never have to worry about creating anything you desire again.

My Secret Struggle...

I will be honest. For most of my life I struggled with money issues. Earning it, not handling it properly, not having what I felt was enough, living in fear of losing it - were all issues in my life at one time or another. When I was first introduced to the idea of Deliberate Creation, it was just an intellectual concept. When I tried to apply that concept to money, it scared the heck out of me.
Despite how much I knew at a deep inner level about being in alignment, I still lived in financial fear and those fears kept me from applying what I knew was the Truth. So I was in a trap. I had all the information I needed to be free, but I just could not get myself to Do It. And as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting.

Then one day I had a revelation. Something inside of me said, “Robert, as long as you intellectually understand about Deliberate Creation but don’t actually start trusting it, what you are really saying is that there is no such thing and you will continue to feed your limitations. The end result is that you will never experience freedom.
Like the trapeze artist in the circus, you must let go of one trapeze in order to reach the other.” In other words I was told to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. It was at that point I decided follow – to the letter - what I will teach you in The Secret of Deliberate Creation.

There are no words that can express the freedom I experienced once I let go and trusted the process. I trusted my Subconscious Mind and the principles of Quantum Physics to lead me to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that would turn my life around. I had a few setbacks in the beginning, but decided that this either works or it doesn’t.
I needed to know for sure. So I took a breath and chose to be consistent in applying the principles. I was consistent in knowing and acting that my Subconscious Mind and the Laws of Quantum Physics were at work and that money would never be an issue for me again. And from that point on, money has flowed freely into my life from every direction! What I was doing was not the same as “fake it until you make it”. The reason I was able to make the transition I just described is that I reclaimed my power. I finally realized that the flow of whatever I desire is always there if I choose to be part of it.

Playing the Game of Life to Win

Through this very same process you can Deliberately Create a successful business, more sales, a beautiful home, education for your children, fulfilling relationships, or anything else you desire. However, Deliberate Creation is not something that you can just accept intellectually. That was my problem in the beginning. I understood it intellectually, but I did not Act on my beliefs.

There are two kinds of people:

1. Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take Action on what they Know.)
2. Those who play the game of life to NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking Action.)

I fell into the second category. I had all the information I needed, but I did not take action.
This is the reason why most people do not have what they want. Their true or hidden goal is not to get what they want, but to avoid failure and disappointment. So they do nothing. They just read and study and accumulate more information.

You always have a choice. You can play the game of life to Avoid Losing and live an unstable, stressful life of limitation in which, no matter how much you read and study this stuff, you will never consistently get what you want, or..… You can play the game of life to Win and Do What You Know. When you do, your life will no longer be about survival, but about experiencing joy and abundance and creating anything you desire regardless of your current circumstances, the economy or any other perceived obstacle.

Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle

The results I achieved came about because I have been a seeker all of my life. I am also a good researcher so I have read and studied about everything that has ever been written on the subject of success and deliberate creation. It has been a bit like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle. My intention was to put the pieces together for my clients so they did not have to take as long as I did to “get it”.

After several years of putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I created The Secret of Deliberate Creation program. Once you understand and follow my guidance as laid out for you – you can live in a natural state that allows you to easily and effortlessly create and attract an unlimited amount of abundance in your life with no stress and no worries. The thing you will probably struggle with the most is the idea that you can change your life quickly. Even most therapists are trained to believe “it takes a long time to change”. The problem is when we buy into the “it takes a long time to change” mentality it makes things more difficult for ourselves. We are also programmed with the “no pain no gain” mentality. If you are programmed enough like that, it builds up and your life becomes a struggle. You don’t have to struggle or “work hard” to get what you want. That is just another belief system. The fact is, that the people who are the happiest; the people who are the most successful personally and financially, do not struggle or work hard.

Applying the principles to make rapid changes in your life is a simple and easy process. If it is that simple, I guess it begs the question; why does this program have six hours of instruction? The reason I have included six hours of instruction is that there is a world of difference between Knowing how to do something and actually Doing it. We don’t do what we know because our Subconscious mind resists change. If the Subconscious mind is not convinced the change is possible and safe, it will not allow the change to be made. The Subconscious holds all the cards.

So my job is twofold. First, I must “convince” your Conscious or logical mind how and why this works. After your Conscious mind accepts the “logic” of how and why it works, it will allow the information to enter your Subconscious. Permanent and lasting change requires both the logical (Conscious) and emotional (Subconscious) mind are in alignment. To do this I use several techniques to make sure that this happens. Second, after aligning your Conscious and Subconscious mind I will give you simple instructions on how to use the information to create anything you desire. With everything in place, your Subconscious will align your intentions with the principles of Deliberate Creation through the use of Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction) and you can create whatever you desire in an easy stress-free manner. And, it’s a repeatable process. It is not hit or miss. You can do it over and over again. ***End of Excerpt***

Note: I've never used this program but have followed similar principles achieving life goals and enjoyed reading his set of "thinking" books. I wanted to introduce him to our book club so other readers who may be interested in this type of material can check him out.


Dan said...

Thanks for a fascinating read.

Maya said...

I think i will stick to Harry Potter