Sunday, 1 May 2011

Celebrating May with Mae

If you've never watched or heard Vanessa Mae play, you are in for a treat! She's phenomenal!

The Devil's Trill


Nessum Dorma


Just Me... said...

Who knew a violinist could be so sexay?? :D Love the music, reminds me of Bond!

Soulstar said...

Thank you Jasmin. It was hard to just pick three, as she is so incredibly versatile! Then switched my 3rd choice when realized due to Sony some would not be able to view.

Saffron said...

Great music and yes there is a touch of Bond about her style.

None shall sleep is a great fav of mine thank you Camille.

Dan said...

Great post Lady S.Impeccable choice in music as always.

Soulstar said...

Thank you Saffron and Dan! :)