Thursday, 21 April 2011

In the Beginning...

*WARNING: Please bear in mind not all images throughout this Native American Indian series are easily viewed. Some of them are very graphic. In this part, the following videos highlight historical events from 1492 to 1618. Here is the link if you missed the original Introduction


Saffron said...

No wonder history is so silent on this subject. Where was the Roman Catholic Church in all this –other than as a willing recipient of the gold which they still have and which adorns their churches to this day? They took enough Priests to America and much of this was done in God’s name. I think Camille is right these images are best seen in instalments, but ultimately you owe it to yourself to see them all.

As a society we make much of TRUTH and FREEDOM, but like they say one man’s freedom is another’s tyranny and there are it seems some truths best avoided.

China Girl said...

What a terrible indictment, on America, Europe………

Linda said...

A very very moving post.

Soulstar said...

Thank you Saffron, China Girl, and Linda.

Your view is much appreciated. I know it's a heavy subject and it isn't my intention or desire to bring anyone down. But this is such an important piece of history, my only goal is to shed light on what others have tried to hide. It happened. It's real. It's an ugly truth. And to not speak of it, to not acknowledge it, be outraged by it, or learn from it, could be construed as condoning such, and to me it only adds further insult and injury to the victims of these horrific tragedies.

Thank you Saffron for instruction on how to create and link to other posts, else I would not have known how to do so.