Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Enjoy no matter whom your greater power may be and may it give strength and comfort.


kimmie coco puff said...

Truly Majestic a song. Made me smile Mary, considering my troubles....His art is magnificent.
This goes to show that people of common belief and uncommon belief can relate to one another. Hugs:)

Saffron said...

A timely reminder of the reason we have Easter too. Thank you Mary.

Soulstar said...

Beautiful, Mary! Reminds me of singing with my step Grandma in church when I was just a little tot. I didn't get to see her much and usually only on a Sunday. Between my getting half the words to each hymn all wrong and her being incredibly off key, no doubt we drew alot of laughs, but I still treasure those memorable moments. Thank you! :)