Camille and I came up with an idea for blog participation based on some poetry writing challenges she used to post on her old site to help different poets overcome writer's block. The exercise involves imagining or looking at a picture and then writing whatever comes to mind, or a specific word/phrase which was to be used within a poem. Not too long ago, she chose a picture and challenged myself, herself and Linny to write a poem for it. As it is not completed yet, we chose another picture in the meantime and wrote the following to it. We would love to see others join in sometime, as it is a lot of fun. After my picture and poem, the song you see further inspired Camille's poem in combination with the picture. We hope you enjoy. :)
Waves of sorrow and waves of pain,
Waves of happiness to wash away another day.
These are the hours,
These are the moons,
Where we learn all that these waves can do.
There’s been a greater one than me,
Running towards the waves,
Hours and hours away,
It comes rushing to only pull me,
Pull me far from today.
The currents are strong and the tide stands along,
All or nothing,
As the ice washes over my feet,
Feeling the heat rise in my heart,
Learning what I have wanted to know…
Right from this start.
These moments speak to me in a whisper,
Like the stars against the night,
And the sparkles of this ocean.
Strong enough to pull a heart from a way’s away,
Strong enough to wreck a home,
Fragile enough to kiss my feet,
Cold enough to make me shiver,
Hot enough to make me melt,
Always there with and without fear.
Waves of sorrow and waves of pain,
Waves happiness to wash away another day.
These are the hours,
These are the moons,
Where we learn all that these waves can do.
18 April 2011
18 April 2011
The Best Wave
They say a good surfer knows
Where to find the best wave
But that doesn’t apply when
A Queen gives her love
To a knave
No love is worth being a martyr
Or losing the person you are
No love is worth cheap barter
To bury your depth of soul
Just to skim surface water
No nearer to future goal
There’s naught but listless churning
When neither party is learning
Caught up in fake splashes of love
Where the spray of one’s need
Is but froth to the other’s greed
No matter how sweet
The initial romantic high
Sometimes your best wave is goodbye
If the ride you’re on isn’t clean
For it’s ill love, not real love
To settle for less than deserved
Don’t let anyone drown
Your self esteem
Or self respect
Find a lover, loyal mate,
Faithful girlfriend or maybe wife
Who desires to exclusively share life
Then set sail with refreshing honesty
With someone you undoubtedly know
Your best wave truly is hello.
Camille Cheek
18 April 2011
18 April 2011
Wow!! And…. more Wow!! What a wonderful pair of poems, so thought provoking and in some ways so revealing. Writing poetry is a form of expression that I’m afraid eludes me, although I love reading it. We truly are lucky to have you both posting your work on the Blog. Thank–you. You both deserve a big hug.
Thank you, Saffron!
Jasmin, it was an honor to share this experience with you. Thank you for being such a terrific sport joining me. Your poem is just lovely and the photo you chose compelling.
I had never heard of Anna Nalick before and happened to hear her music, and touching song "Shine" for the very first time as I prepared to pen my piece. Needless to say it set my mood and thoughts accordingly...
I can't wait to discover more fruits from this type exercise and invite anyone interested to join in! You don't have to be a poet to participate. It doesn't even have to be in poetry form. It's just a great tool for anyone to freely use for creative expression! :)
These are the hours,
These are the moons,
Aewesome poem.
It is so nice to breeze in and be greeted with two beautiful poems. Jasmin, your writing has evolved so much over the last few years, it is truly a joy to read what bounces around in your head.
Cammie, I have to admit that I got choked up reading your words again... it's been too long. Your talent continues to be an inspiration for me. Thank you both for making Tax-Day just a little bit better.
Thank you, Liss. :)
Thanks Saff :) glad you enjoyed.
Camille: Was an honor for me as well and can't wait to write more with you!
Anonymous: Happy you liked it :)
Liss: thanks :)
I rather liked the depth to each poem. Speaks volumes about the writers. Was a much enjoyed read for me because you both have so much to express. I soaked up every bit of it. would be nice to see more from you both and even maybe I can participate as well:) I actually plan on sharing both poems at my next gathering come July. I hope you both don't mind me sharing your work:) Hugs....much love Jas and Camille.
Thank you Kimmie; of course you can participate anytime you'd like! Everyone is welcome to! What's this I hear, a gathering in July?
Wow. These poems are awesome. I continue to be amazed at the writing ability of the people in the blog. It must be nice to have the creative ability to write poetry this well, that evokes the brilliant imagery of these poems.
Well done, Camille, and Jas.
Thank you, Nicky. I've been missing your humorous posts and (hint, hint) it's past time for more confusionisms or something giggly from you! :)
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