Thursday, 7 April 2011

Crime and Punishment

the "crime"

the "punishment"  (a bath)

I've yet to figure out how he did that.  Absolutely nothing is out of place--including the items I have in front of the window.  A couple of pencils (unused, typically used when mapping out routes, from WWII), a tube of camouflage paint (mint condition) from  WWII and the ceramic panther were all untouched.  Nothing on the desk was knocked off either.  It was as if ninja cat jumped from the bed to the window to demolish my blinds and then back to the bed.  If I only had a video camera...

ps...all of the blinds were open--he closed the bottom half


Nicky said...

Destructo cat rides again. LOL. Too funny Allison. He did that both to impress you, and make you mad. He is trying to decide which he likes better.

Great post Allison.

Saffron said...

Laughs... mine runs up curtains so why not Venetian blinds?

kimmie coco puff said...

LOL! Wow:) whodathunk a kitty would do such a thing? It's got to just make you laugh though.

Nashs said...

HAHAHA ! I liked "the crime" and "the punishment".

Kittys are lot of fun , as long as I don't have to lift them!