To celebrate Linny's Birthday I'd like to organise a party.

In fact I'd like to take you to Sunday School. No! It's not that kind of Sunday School. This particular Sunday School is held at Bucco Reef a sleepy little village on Tobago.

Most of the week there's nothing to see at at all, but for a few hours on Sunday night it really hots up. When it becomes the home of the famous Hendrix Sunday School.

You need to be wearing the right gear but there's plenty to be had at cheap prices.

In the dark there are some wierd sights to be seen.

but everyone is bopping.

like the song says there's music in the streets at night and revolution in the air.

There's plenty of food. Most of it is so hot it will knock your knicker's off. In fact it's a wise precaution to put the toilet paper in the fridge before you go to bed.

There's steel band music......

there's reggae...

in fact the dancing goes on until dawn. The younger folk dance down on the beach but I decided it wasn't prudent to film down there for a whole bunch of reasons, it was dark, a lot of people were nakkies and there was some naughty stuff going on.
Please excuse the pics I only had a tiny compact camera and my hand was a bit shakey...

I nearly forgot to mention if you're still sober in the morning there's goat racing!
Saffy!! I soooooooo want to go. Music & Food, sounds good already!! =)
Thank you!!
A unique birthday party, Saffron, especially a lively Sunday School gathering of fun friends, steel band, reggae, dancing, spicy food, Revolution & cold T.P. on hand! Hope everyone survives long enough to sustain the goat races! :)
Enjoy your special day, Linny! :)
Happy Birtday Ketta!
I remember your 19th birthday party as a matter of fact.... LOL. I hope you go out and get into some trouble tonight and enjoy yourself. Lots of Love~Liss E. Poo
happy birthday :-)
Happy Birthday Twisty
Thanks you guys for the wishes. I had a ball last night.
Much <3
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