Friday, 4 March 2011

Mini-quiz solution for Camille and Sammie

The quiz refers to the clip in the Suzie Rotolo post below

For Americans this mini-quiz may be difficult. Its solution relies on identifying where and when the clip was taken. It was undoubtedly taken in England in 1966. This makes the quiz crackable assuming you are not English.

The mystery man receiving the light, is a Scottish folk singer called Donvan who had just released a hit single called Mellow Yellow.

To complete the quiz you have to fast forward 14 years, to when two parents were discussing the naming of their soon to be born daughter. It was decided that their offspring would have three forenames. One the Irish mother, insisted should be Gaelic, the second should commemorate the child’s grandmother…….. at which point the English father flexed his muscles and decided to claim his stake in naming his prodigy. There was a catchy little tune he’d always liked from the Sixties, it had links to his favourite book Ulysses, it brought back happy memories…he just omitted to explain to his wife what an electric banana was…. The song began:

I'm just mad about Saffron.
And-Saffron's mad about me.
I'm-a just mad about Saffron.
She's just mad about me.

They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.


Soulstar said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I love stories like this one! The second I saw the name Donovan it clicked and my clue bell rang before I even spotted Mellow Yellow. I haven't heard this wonderful song in ages. It's truly a favorite! Thank you, Saffron! :)

Dan said...

Be careful with those electric bananas Saff.

Jenny said...

I'm missing the whole electric banana thing. Unless...