Awaken from slumber
Their delicate tendrils
Softly and gently
Reaching and spreading
Across emerald fields
Filling a forest
With sweet fragrances
The howling winds
Of love upon me,
I remember when
They blew calmly
And lulled me
Ever so peacefully,
But something unseen
Has shifted them
And they’ve begun
To blow harshly
I hang onto a fallen tree
As the winds pound
And cruelly shred
Every ounce left
Of my dignity,
Until I can’t recall
That the winds
Were ever warm

As my teeth
Start to chatter
All my dreams
Begin to shatter
Then the notes
Of the music
From this mute
Dying sparrow
Were all gone
A cold chill
In my heart
Went straight
To the marrow
Of my bones
And I wondered
How I ever thought
I’d find shelter
In your arms…
Diamonds and sapphires
Sapphires and diamonds
Glittering, glistening
Glistening, glittering
Falling from my eyes
Like drops from the sky
In such a thick blanket
That I can’t distinguish
My tears from the rain
Camille Cheek
30 Oct 1993
Potpourri of Emotions, Vol. I, Page 162
Wow. Words can't even begin to describe how amazing this is. :) Glad you posted it!
Wow Camille, this is awesome. Really fantastic writing. I envy those creative people that can write this way.
Thanks for posting it Camille, it really is something i will be looking at for a while. :)
Thank you both. It was a good year I suppose, at least as far as writing goes, for I was able to produce a series of twelve in this particular style... although the source of inspiration was beyond bittersweet.
I was going to say wow but two others beat me to it. Thanks Camille. *k*
A very moving poem Camille.
Thank you all. Have a wonderful weekend. :)
Saffron, thank you also for retrieving the photo.
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