Very special Birthday greetings to Liss, one of the old school from the days when Lit Chat was fun, who always manages to stay loveable and young at heart.

Liss as you know is an oenophile which is a rare perversion in chat, but what is less widely known is that wine does strange things to women especially redheads.

With other redheads it makes them go quite unnecessary

In fact wine can make any girl do strange things…..

This even affects women who can’t speak English.

And makes them do odd things even for non-English speakers!

The reason of course is that it reaches parts of the anatomy that other drinks can't.

In times of severe stress it can even be used to prevent over-heating....

The downside is it can make you think too much…..

..and in older women it makes your tits go floppy…

Finally those of you who have read Fanny Hill will be familiar with the expression ‘any port in a storm,’ the trouble is they were never specific about which PORT.
I can only add my very best wishes for your birthday, Liss
The photos and the commentary are very scrummy.
Happy Birthday, Liss! I hope you celebrated it in style! :)
Cracks open a bottle of sancerre --- happy birthday Liss!!! Huggs for me and G :) xx
Happy Birthday Liss
Thank you so much everyone. And I apologize for not stopping in yesterday on my birthday... it was a bit of a crazy day. Thank you all for your kind words, and especially for Saffy who took the time to put together such a nice post. You all mean so much to me, even if I'm not around as much anymore. Thank you for all of your love and support.
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